We understand that coming to church can be a strange thing...
We're a very laid back bunch, we come in all shapes and sizes and we come from all sorts of different backgrounds. One thing we all have in common... we were all once new to the church.
What sort of church are we?
We are part of the Newfrontiers and New Ground family of churches.
We believe in the Bible. All of it.
We love baptism in the Holy Spirit.
We encourage the use of spiritual gifts.
We believe in baptism of believers not babies.
We are committed to building a local church.
Some Do's
Feel free to take part as much or as little as you want
We have many visitors, some from other churches, some from other nations, some have never set foot inside a church before. Many just come to have a look. Some want to come and get stuck in straight away
Come and go as you please
If you need to go early or come late that’s fine. We do serve a fine cup of coffee at the end though
Get to know people
Ask questions. Ask why people come, how long they've been coming, how they became Christians
Expect to be challenged
Whether highly educated or thick as two short planks, whether rich or poor, whatever your sexual preferences, or political leanings, there's something to offend everybody. We are very sincere but not politically correct
Let us know if we can pray for you
We love to pray for visitors. If you want God to heal you, or speak into your life, let us know
Give us feedback
We really value comments as to how we can improve visitors' experience of East End Church
Some Dont's
Worry about what you wear
Although no speedos please
Worry if your kids make a noise
We love kids, we love to produce them. Sometimes they behave - often they don't! But they're a part of the family. We run a créche for under 5's and a kids club for 5-11's. These run during the Sunday morning meeting. We also run youth work on separate evenings during the week
Be afraid to ask questions
The truth will stand up to scrutiny
Be afraid to laugh out loud
The preaching is interesting and relevant to 21st century London living
Be surprised if God speaks to you
We serve and worship a God who rose from the dead and in 2000 years has never returned to the grave